EMERGE – Week 3


This week has been frustrating to say the least with EMERGE. We’ve had to put so much together within the last week and I’ve had littler to no time to do it. I’ve had several days with little to no sleep and I’m pretty warn out since I’ve also had to work 7 days a week at placement in addition to my regular work.

This week we put together a preliminary brand package, colours and all. We had a meeting with the executives to get their opinions on the several packages that were put together… out of the six packages that were put together, I made four of them. One of which made it into the top two. I was quite surprised to see which one everyone liked: it was a theme I created called “Outlaw” the reasoning behind this was that I use the colours from a cheer team I know called the outlaws. The magic to this was the bright green.

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Unfortunately this was not the theme we went with. I personally do not like the colours we finally chose (I think that they are too similar to what we did last year and they are a “safe” choice). But I’ll live with that. The most frustrating thing I’ve dealt with this week has been an inefficient use of time. I feel like we spent a lot of time talking in circles about things and not actually deciding. I solved this at our meetings by asking for a vote once all of the relevant points had been brought up.

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The other thing that I have done this week is the social media images. I found that the designs I used for my theme had a hard time translating to the new colours. We also spent a lot of time making so many “small adjustments” to things that they no longer were viable concepts to use. Instead, we ended up going for a different concept.

I feel I may have snapped at some of my team members at times (sorry Ian) but I’ve been really stressed out.

For next week I hope to finalize things with the brand package and to start working on some web concepts with the two web teams. I get the feeling this week will go better though since there shouldn’t be as much going on with my internship and work. I also think I’ll feel better about EMERGE once we sort of iron out some of the kinks and things start being put together.